Poet and editor Randal Burd reviews Coronary Truth

Poet Randal Burd, who is the editor of  the literay journal, Sparks of Calliope, has reviewed my chapbook, Coronary Truth, for The Poetry Cafe. I am impressed with Burd’s thoughtful and sensitive examination of my collection of poems, and by his skill in tying all the poems together by exploring the themes that have directed so much of my work for the past several years.

“I admire the way Dees presents relatable human emotions in Coronary Truth, including universally experienced fears and misgivings, as seen through the eyes of a strong yet vulnerble speaker. The wounded healer who shares his quest with her readers does not only provide the solidarity of shared pain, but also guides kindred souls on a worthwhile journey of hope and restoration.

You can read Burd’s review here. His interview with me is forthcoming in The Poetry Cafe.
